KrisZilla in Vienna
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Idle hands, and restless feet
While I'm able to sit around and do nothing without self-combusting, I have to admit that eventually the ennui sets in and I feel that if I don't do anything 'productive' soon, I will go stark raving mad.

I've done the geeky thing and bought books for next semester's classes (Gerichtsmedizin, Augenheilkunde, Zahn-Mund-Kiefer-Heilkunde). Strangely, have no desire to learn about the intricacies of violent deaths. I guess the summer + vacation drains the murderous intent. :p

I've done the über-geeky thing and stitched together a trench coat for Hellboy. (Because mine did not come with one. Yes I will have pictures of this tiny feat soon) And stitched a second one so I could ruin the first one and call it "battle damaged". On a side note I previously made a leather trenchcoat for The Punisher. It looked wicked cool. But failed on an engineering level as apparently the only way to put on and remove it involves practically popping off an arm.

I´ve done the food-geeky thing and made various gelato, with cones, fudge topping and such from scratch. Baked various cake things, bread. Cooked various meals, etc.

I´ve pretty much watched every movie that remotely interested me. Hot Fuzz (Simon Pegg Rules! Shaun of the Dead remains my favorite, though :D) Harry Potter (Eh.), Transformers (More than meets the AURKGH. *eyestabs*) Buncha other movies I can't remember.

I've been playing through Final Fantasy III on the DS, job level grinding inanely because I can't figure out what to do next. Yes, I know about GamFAQs. But I don't want to go that way yet. I've been trying to pick up FFXII again but can't seem to work up the desire to continue it. I've also been playing TimeSplitters with J. I am frustrated that there are no buttons for dodge or jump, whereas the PC seems perfectly adept at doing so when you're trying to fill them with lead. And the co-op stories are effing hard. I miss Battlefront 2 :(

And I'm still feeling restless. End of August we're heading off to Italy, and after that I get to visit my parents in the Philippines (YAY!) and we go to Hong Kong! (DOUBLE YAY!). But end of August is still quite far... and I crave the joy that is discovering things new.

I guess now that I've sated my hands with crafts, my feet now want to go places and see things. :>

Plans for tomorrow: Traum und Trauma at the MUMOK. (Museum ModernerKunst, Museum of Modern Art) in the MuseumsQuartier.

Because I really want to see this:

Because it breaks my brain that this seemingly innocent pile of junk can create a shadow like that. I wish I could see the others.

But just this one would be pretty damn cool. And there are many other interesting things there. Pictures to follow. If they let me. If I can sneak past them despite them telling me I can't.

And after that, who knows? There's still 18 days to fill before our trip. :)


posted by K @ 1:07 AM  
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